2021 GMC Denali 3.0 LM2 Engine rattling


May 18, 2021
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My 2021 GMC Denali has approximately 18,000 miles on it and the engine is making a rattling sound under light acceleration. This just started has anyone else experienced this issue? This sounds like pre-ignition in a gasoline engine.
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My 2021 GMC Denali has approximately 18,000 miles on it and the engine is making a rattling sound under light acceleration. This just started has anyone else experienced this issue? This sounds like pre-ignition in a gasoline engine.
I have a 2020 with around 48,000 miles and mine has always done that with light acceleration. I usually just apply a little more throttle and it quits. I don’t think it’s an issue that will cause any problems. IMO.
I have a 2020 with around 48,000 miles and mine has always done that with light acceleration. I usually just apply a little more throttle and it quits. I don’t think it’s an issue that will cause any problems. IMO.
Thanks for the reply, however mine has never done it and started about a week ago. Wondering if the diesel fuel has something to do it so will buy another tank at another station. Have also read that the injectors might be a problem. If I'd had the noise since new I wouldn't be as concerned about the noise.