Who uses a fuel additive?


New member
Sep 30, 2024
I have a buddy that has had several ford diesels and always uses fuel additives. Does anyone else use them and if so how often and what brand? New to the diesel world and trying to learn about them.
I've had diesels before and always used additives. With nothing but biodiesel available where I live, I currently use Opti-Lube XPD. It makes a difference IMO. Seems to run smoother and quieter, even during regens.
GM recommends ACDelco Fuel System Treatment Plus - Diesel. It's a bit pricey. After a little research, I think I'm going to try Stanadyne.
I've had diesels before and always used additives. With nothing but biodiesel available where I live, I currently use Opti-Lube XPD. It makes a difference IMO. Seems to run smoother and quieter, even during regens.
Same here. Year round.
I think I'm going to try Stanadyne.
I was a heavy user of that on my 06 LBZ Duramax.. for some reason, I just stopped using it. I can't say it help me, but I can't say it hurt me either.
I use Stanadyne additive and was amazed it gave me better milage! Highly recommend!!
I may re-think or change what I use for fuel treatment. I noticed that the stations where I live have switched to 100% renewable diesel. I've read good things about the fuel vs bio-diesel and diesel #2. Seems adding a cetane booster is overkill. But still concerned about lubricity.
Guess my fufu juice of choice was a good one! 😁
Saw the same video Hacksawmark posted. I will use Opti Lube XPD All in One from this point forward. Ordered a 12 pack today on Amazon. Best Lube for pump and injectors. And best Cetane Boost. I have used all the ones in the video but the XPD All in One. I will post after I use this and we’ll see.
I am a strong believer in Archoil 9400 injector cleaner and fuel system cleaner. Works great! The Archoil Fuel Additive worked for me too but the XPD had better numbers just ahead of the Archoil 9500.
Guys, watch the video posted by hacksawmark. Bob the Oil Guy and an other web guy did huge test. It will enlighten you to make the best decision on what you use for additives.
I have been using Hot Shots EDT since new in my '23 LTZ and tried Archoil for a couple months but switched back to Hot Shots. After watching this video I called Optilube to discuss my application with them and will be using their summer formula going forward. According to them XPD is overkill unless you need the anti-gel plus the dosage is like 3x the summer blend because of that. Will comment with my results.