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  1. BoostN

    New Member intro - DemonWorks

    Welcome, we're glad to have you here!
  2. BoostN

    DEF empty warning, but DEF tank is FULL.. Anyone have this issue?

    Have you took it in about this yet? Seems like the gauge isn't reading correctly.
  3. BoostN

    New Member. Our new LTZ 1500 LZO Duramax.

    Congrats! Welcome to the forum, truck looks great!
  4. BoostN

    The 45K mile service

    The manual states to change the transmission fluid and filter at 45K... who's done it? Approximate cost? I'm at 39K right now.. it just seems early in comparison to all of my past trucks..
  5. BoostN

    Fuel cap mod

    That's a good idea.. I have a habit of sitting mine on the bed rail while I'm filling up. I always look back once I pull off making sure I didn't forget it. :D
  6. BoostN

    Adam’s ceramic coat

    Looks great! I follow the detailing community pretty close and it seems every company has their own touch on a coating/ceramic/etc. Let us know how this one holds up.
  7. BoostN

    New Member

    Nice, you don't ever see a diesel Yukon/Tahoe on the lots around here, they are still hard to find.
  8. BoostN

    New Member

    Welcome to the forum, the wait is crazy for the SUV's with the Duramax's. My wife couldn't even order her Tahoe with the Duramax, so she was stuck with the 5.3.
  9. BoostN

    Reprogram 10L80 Trans?

    I sure hope so, and with them refreshing this engine already I think we're in for a good run.
  10. BoostN

    Bilstein 5100 Shocks Installed on LM2 / RST Silverado

    Oddly enough I'm using a set of FREE (yes free) factory Duratrac takeoffs from a Trail Boss. I'm undecided yet on a size as I'm afraid 285/65/20 will be to much. But these duratracs are the loudest tires I've ever own, so I can't wait to get more Falkens.
  11. BoostN

    Drain plug is trash

    I'll be the first to admit, I don't change the oil myself on this truck. I simply buy the oil and filter from Rock Auto and take it to my local lube shop. I give them 30 bucks and call it a day. I went a few days ago and he told me the plug was rounded off and needed a new one. That's funny...
  12. BoostN

    Extended crank but no start issue

    I've not had a no crank issue since the software update (whenever that was when I posted in this thread). Sounds like it was the fix for me at least.
  13. BoostN

    New Member

    Welcome, awesome truck!
  14. BoostN

    Fuel Filter Changed: 36000 Miles

    Yep, so I was close. The filter was around 35% I believe.
  15. BoostN

    Fuel Filter Changed: 36000 Miles

    Changed my fuel filter yesterday. Truck has almost 36K miles on it. Overall, it wasn't terrible. I *Think I have about 20K on this one.. I need to go back and find my notes to see.
  16. BoostN

    Changed air filter today

    It's always good to change everything when you first get it so you have a good baseline going forward. Welcome to the forum!
  17. BoostN

    Thats Funny

  18. BoostN


    Welcome, love the refresh trucks. Keep us updated on how you like it!
  19. BoostN

    Power Running Boards

    I didn't install the ones my dad put on his truck, but so far they are nice and been in use for about 6 months now. The only complaint is the lights that come with the boards will not stay "stuck" to the underbody. At this point I might use liquid nail :D