Banks Derringer Tuner - Release Summer '22


Staff member
Oct 10, 2018
It looks like we'll get some tuning from Banks this summer...

*Gains are to be announced soon as well.

Who's interested? I know I am... I would prefer a tuned ECM but I'll take what I can get at this point.
Certainly looks interesting but cost may be a big factor for me. I like that it can be removed so it's undetectable in case of warranty issues.
But why testing in the SUVs only? Don't they realize these were first, and probably more, in the pickups?

Still at the "Coming Soon" stage.. I'm ready for *something at this point.
I come across a FB post last week saying still late this summer, but who knows.
^ they have been around for years, but it really is nothing like they claim.
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