Fuel gauge linearity.


New member
Nov 21, 2023
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I have a 2022 3.0. Question about fuel gauge to see if anybody else has this issue. We know it is a 24 gallon tank. When the gauge reads Hass I’m sure we would all assume that it will take 12 gallons of fuel. Mine takes 9 gallons. Dealer re-flashed fuel gauge and still having the same issue. This might be minor to some people but when your gauge says half tank, it would be nice to know that you actually have half tank.
Anyone else???
They have always had a "buffer" per say. At least the last few GM trucks I have owed has.. .granted, I've never had it at a half tank and just see if I could get 12 gallons in.. but, if that's the case whats the issue?
If it took approximately 12 gallons at half a tank, it would tell me that the gauge is linear. Presently, at half tank it only takes 9 gallons to fill it, which tells me that it is using approx 15 gallons to get to the halfway point. ( Non linear gauge). The dealer just reflashed the gauge parameters. I have a feeling there will be no change.
This may seem very fussy. But for a $57k truck it would be nice that you have what the gauge says in the tank. I can’t be the only one!!! 😎
The obs fuel gauge was the same. A person could go for what seemed like forever on the top half.

You get to the 1/4 mark, it dropped like a rock.

The square body? That damn thing bounced around like peewee Herman.
Lol!! Pee Wee!!
Guess I’ll have to just live with the thing. Only good news is that when the low fuel light comes on I have about 3 gallons left. I tested that several times. 😎