2020 Silverado LTZ 3.0 Diesel.
Had same problem along with a bunch of other random issues. All under warranty.
9/2/22 DIC “Service Emmisions System”, and “174 miles until 65MPH max speed”. DEF level at about 1/3 full.
9/8/22 intermittent jolts while doing 65-70 mph. Feels similar to running over a bad spot in the road, but road is perfectly smooth. ODB2 P0336 Crankshaft Position Sensor Performance. Replaced sensor.
Throatier noise at idle. Cruise ctrl 55 mph, trans in 6th or 7th, pulling hill w/trailer. Was having problems manually downshifting while in Cruise Control. Engine jolted several times then stopped. DIC reads Service ECS, limit speed to 65mph, limiting power. Pulled to shoulder and engine stopped on its own. Tried to start, but just cranked. Turned everything off, then tried to start and it started.
Noticeable increase in throaty noise at 2000+ rpm.
“Service Emmisions System”, and “174 miles until 65MPH max speed” after some mis-firing events. DEF level at 90% full. Does not go into tow/haul mode.
P0216 Inject timing ctrl circ
P0087 Fuel rail low pressure P020A-F Cyl 1-6 inj timing
P0336 Crankshaft pos sen perf
P034B CS pos sen direct incorrect
P0700 Trans ctrl mod
P228A-B Fuel Pres reg 1-2 ctrl force eng shutdown
U0073 CAN bus communication
U0074 Ctrl mod comm bus B off
U0076 Ctrl mod comm bus D off
U0100 lost comm w/ ECM
Towing 5,700 lb TT. Cruise CTRL at 55. The last 30 miles uphill running in 7th gear 1800 rpm. Instant mpg consistently about 14-15 MPG. I noticed a slight degradation in power for a minute or two while the mpg dropped to 11 or 12. Then several jolts (at least 5) in a row. Each jolt was accompanied by a increase of 300 rpm, then the rpm would drop back to 1800 (like it’s slamming down into 6th gear than shifted back to 7th over about a second). “174 Miles until 65 mph max speed”, “Service Emission System” appears on DIC (DEF showing 3/4 full). This is the same 174 miles as the similar events that occured last week. Check engine light on. Got off at 1st available exit, shut engine off then scanned for OBD2 codes. Only one code P0336 Crankshaft Position Sensor Performance. Code reader had “EGS” and “DPF” flashing red. Started engine back up, Emission warnings cycled then cleared, chk engine still on.
14 mi down road, going downhill, then started back uphill. Cruise control 55, 7th gear, 1800 rpm, mpg about 14. Power degradation, jolts, rpm and mpg changed happen again. Same emissions warnings but 164 mile notice. No new OBD2 codes.
Turned engine back on, cycled “svc emissions “, “164 mi to max 65 mph”, then briefly a 3rd message “3123(?) mi to max 65 mph”.
50 miles later 55mph 7th gear, 1800rpm, pulling hill. Power degradation, jolts, rpm and mpg changed happen again. Emission warning came back up showing 165 miles. Cancelled cruise control and manually dropped to 6th gear (2200 rpm). Jolting cleared up. Tried manually accelerating and jolting started again. Dropped to 5th gear (3000 rpm) jolting cleared up. Pulled off next exit. No new OBD2 codes.
5 miles farther, Many jolts, DIC “power steering assist gone”, “power reduced to 40mph”. Was able to limp off freeway before engine just shut off. Many ODB2 codes (most were the same as last week).
After scanning and documenting all the codes and the events leading up to the shutdown, I was able to restart the engine and drive the last 20 miles home. I didn’t use cruise control, tow haul would not engage, I selected gears so engine was running in the 2500-3000 rpm range.
I took it to the dealer with my 3 page long history. They escalated it to the regional tech guy (old school experience, doesn’t totally rely on computer diagnostics). Determined that the engine wiring harness was the culpret (data network corrupting sensor and module data). I have heard about a bulletin about this.
After wire harness replaced, no more problems.